Scriptcase decimal cannot insert dot
Scriptcase decimal cannot insert dot


"," & Double.Parse(TextBo圆.Text) & "," & TextBox27.Text & ",'" &ĭropDownList1.SelectedValue & "') INSERT INTO Cash (Date, Bank_Account,Īmount, Document_Number) VALUES ('" & yy & "-" & mm & "-" & dd & "','" &ĭropDownList1.SelectedValue & "'," & Double.Parse(TextBox2. In Scriptcase, we have the following drivers available for connection to DB2: DB2 PDO ODBC, PDO IBM, DB2, DB2 Native ODBC, DB2 ODBC Generic and DB2 ODBC Gene. TextBox5.Text & "','" & TextBox4.Text & "'," & DropDownList2.SelectedValue &

scriptcase decimal cannot insert dot

Fixed issue with theme layout selection when creating blank application.

scriptcase decimal cannot insert dot

Fixed issue when downloading common libraries in advanced deployment. The syntax of INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statement is as follows: INSERT INTO table (columnlist) VALUES (valuelist) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE c1 v1, c2 v2. Fixed issue with a 'sclogadd' macro using ISO8859-1 charset. However, if you specify the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE option in the INSERT statement, MySQL will update the existing row with the new values instead. Our documentation is updated continuously, according to the launch of new functionalities. My insert statement is below: "INSERT INTO Transactions (Date, Account, Payee, Chq_Num, Reference, GST_Rate,Īmount, Document_Number, Bank_Account) VALUES ('" & yy & "-" & mm & "-" & dd & Fixed issue with setting decimal places in decimal, currency and percentage fields in virtual fields. A complete online documentation for all the features of the Scriptcase development environment. Input string was not in the correct format I have tried double.parse(textbox.text) and decimal.parse(textbox.text) to no avail. make use of Decimal.TryParse (string, out val) Example : decimal val if (Decimal.TryParse (, out val) media.MediaMNDP val better to use tryparse method because it avoid runtime.

scriptcase decimal cannot insert dot

When I enter a whole number there is no issue, it is only when I enter a decimal (123.45) that I get the issue. Data Processing in Control Forms: Using Macros to query and insert into DatabaseData processing can be done at the Database level (with Stored Pr.Data Processing in Control Forms: Using. I am struggling with getting my sql database to accept a decimal from a textbox on my website page.

Scriptcase decimal cannot insert dot